The Development Team
Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) is a Boston-based nonprofit developer, owner and operator of over 14,000 affordable homes in thirteen states and the District of Columbia. The closest property to Clarendon is Briston Arms, a mixed-income complex in Cambridge. POAH also owns and operates 500 units of senior affordable housing in three buildings in Boston, along with 2 new developments in the Roxbury and Mattapan neighborhoods.
Somerville Community Corporation (SCC) is a membership organization that has worked to support low- and moderate-income Somerville residents achieve economic stability and increase civic participation for nearly 50 years. Since the 1980s, SCC has completed more than 21 affordable housing developments, resulting in over 200 ownership and rental units in Somerville.
Somerville Housing Authority (SHA) provides access to subsidized housing for eligible low- and moderate-income families and elderly. Overseeing more than 1,400 affordable units in Somerville, Massachusetts, the employees of SHA have built a reputation for providing all SHA residents with the highest standards of decent, safe and sanitary housing. SHA is proud of the excellence, professionalism, performance and response our staff demonstrates on a daily basis serving all residents of the SHA and the city.
The Design Team
Icon Architecture is a design firm motivated by a belief in design’s ability to positively transform, empower, and restore. They delight in the process, enriched by collaboration and a commitment to ongoing dialogue and discovery. ICON champions innovative environments that strengthen connections to people and place, fortify communities and create enduring value.
Copley Wolff Landscape Architecture is a landscape architecture and planning firm located in downtown Boston, MA. They specialize in the planning and design of academic, housing, green roof, corporate, institutional, mixed-use, park, streetscape, and children’s play and discovery projects throughout the country. A number of their projects focus on placemaking, integrating art into the landscape, cultural and historic interpretation, environmental education, and community participation.